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Talks@trades - Journey To The Centre Of Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty By Dean Brannagan

Talks@trades - Journey To The Centre Of Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty By Dean Brannagan
What is a Time Space Portal? Doorways to other dimensions, Invisible holes in which the fabric of time and space converge, or ancient myth, science fiction? Dean Brannagan believes that these holes, as prevalent as dark and light matter, are everywhere, like Swiss cheese, they perforate our planet, our universe, our psyche. Many are in fact visible, some right under our very noses! In an attempt to reveal their presence, Brannagan will talk about the portal which ignited his life long quest to excavate this mysterious phenomena, Robert Smithson?s famous earthwork, the Spiral Jetty.

Talks@trades - Journey To The Centre Of Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty By Dean Brannagan Tickets


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