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Goldie Lookin' Chain

Goldie Lookin' Chain

The Newport comedy rap troupe claim influences through their modifications of songs from artists such as So Solid Crew, the Streets and... Paul Gascoigne.

Tracks, such as the UK no.3 hit "Guns Don't Kill People Rappers Do", tackle topics such as their Welsh heritage, irrelevance of American rappers, gun control and the allure of drugs (the last of which is a recurring theme throughout).

Technically proficient but with a definite tongue in cheek, their songs satirise hip hop, today's consumer society, the "chav" culture and life in Newport and South Wales in general. They have also graced the UK Top 20 with "Your Mother's Got a Penis", and "Your Missus Is a Nutter".

Goldie Lookin' Chain Tickets

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